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Friday 8 July 2011

Lloyd's Escape please....


Lloyd looked out his window and up to the sky. It had gone from pitch black to dark blue then light blue in around 20 minutes, just like the day before and the day before that. At least there was no fog this morning or rain blocking his vista. He could now see birds moving around, flitting from tree to tree, eyeing each other off fighting for that early worm on the lush green manicured lawns of the Home. Cement everywhere else. The eaves and verandah surrounded this red-brick facility they called Brighton Nursing Home. They also shielded the home and its inhabitants from the blistering summer sun casting a permanent shadow all the way around the complex. Guarding the elderly from any more melanomas. He could hear the birds twittering now but only after he turned on his hearing aid.

His hearing was the only thing starting to pack up in his old weary body. His eyes were a sharp as a tack, he knew. No need for glasses for old Lloydy he’d tell anyone who was interested. As sharp as a needle he used to say. Just like the needle he kept secreted away in his sock cupboard waiting for the right moment.......

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